Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The World Race - Accepted!

    Some of you know that I have been praying about participating in the World Race since February of this year. For those of you that are just now learning this, let me tell you more about this Journey I believe the Lord will be taking me on in September 2015.

The World Race: is an eleven month mission trip to eleven countries abandoning most of my possessions and living out of a backpack while serving "the least of these". It is the chance to leave my comfort zone and allow God to break me down only to build and strengthen me back up and to use me in ways I never thought imaginable. This is a chance to grow and see what God is doing around the world and to encourage the body of Christ and further His Kingdom.(

   That's right. You read that correctly! Eleven countries in eleven months, doing ministry from construction, visiting orphanages and medical clinics, painting schools, ministering to those in sex-trafficking, prayer walking and so much more. There are several routes to choose from, going to different countries, and each one has different ministries involved. There are several teams sent out and squads are made from those teams.

   My Route [3] - The route I chose to travel goes through the following countries:

  • Costa Rica
  • Nicaragua
  • Honduras 
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam 
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Thailand 
  • Malawi
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe 
(I do not know what my ministry will be in each country yet, but I will be sure to keep you updated!)

   Fundraising - I'm sure you're wondering, "How do you pay for this trip?" Well friends, let me share with you! The total amount for my trip is $16,256. This will cover 11 months of meals, lodging, air, land and sea travel, administrative costs, set up costs, coaching costs, debriefing costs, and training camp costs. That's a bit overwhelming huh? Let me break that down even more for you!

If 75 people committed to donating $21.67 each month for the next 10 months 
If 100 people committed to donating $16.26 each month for the next 10 months 
If 150 people committed to donating $10.84 each month for the next 10 months 
If 175 people committed to donating $9.29 each month for the next 10 months

*There is also a One Time donation option. I will give details on how to donate soon.

  • $3,500 Due 2 weeks before Training Camp (TBD - June/July?)
  • $7,500 - Due 21 August 2015 (2 weeks prior to trip)
  • $11,000 - Due 4 December 2015 (End of 3 months on the field)
  • $15,500+$756.70 (*Insurance) = $16,256 - Total Due 4 March 2016 (End of 6 months on field)

   Why? People ask, "why would you want to go do missions in other countries when there are so many people that need to be reached in the states?" Well, that's true. There's plenty of opportunities to serve and share Christ with those around me (and I'll continue to do so as long as I live in the states), but the Lord has given me a heart for The Nations. He has given me a calling and I am answering Him with obedience. My heart has longed to do overseas missions for quite some time now and I have been earnestly seeking the Lord's will for my life and how and when this might be apart of it. This will be an amazing opportunity to serve the Lord and grow in Him and be broken and healed and be challenged and experience His work in the world.

    I would love for you to join me on this journey! I ask that you would join me in prayer-

  • for my heart. That the Lord would prepare me for what He will teach me through this journey
  • to be able to build relationships and connections with those who will be supporting me
  • for faith that my financial needs will be met, and
  • I encourage you to pray about whether the Lord is calling you to support me not only with your prayers, but also financially

.I cannot do this alone. I'm asking that you might dedicate time to pray. PRAYER is more powerful than what we believe.

   I will keep you all updated and give you the details (that lack in this blog) as things progress on this journey and I learn more about what I will be doing! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have! 

   "The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'" Psalm 32:8 

   "You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit so the Father will give you whatever you ask for in His Name." John 15:16