Monday, March 16, 2015

Closed Doors Means New Things

Dear friends,
   It has been 5 months since I have been accepted onto the World Race. These last few months have been exciting, stressful and faith- growing. I have seen the Lord provide financially for my trip for World Race, which has been awesome, especially since I had become super stressed and overwhelmed back in January about all I needed to do.
    The last two months have been difficult with trying to focus on Nursing school and be successful in my studies as well as prepare for World Race and transition into all the changes that would come with it. At one point, early in the semester, I realized I needed to put more focus and attention on my schooling and put preparing for World Race aside for a little while.
What does this mean?
    Firstly, I would like to thank each one of you for your support, whether that be in your giving financially or through your support in prayer. I am beyond grateful to experience the support and excitement of friends and family and am overwhelmed and encouraged though it. With much prayer and guidance from the Lord, close friends and family, I’m sad to say that the door for me with World Race is closing.
    Let me share with you a little bit with where I’m at in life right now. Over four years ago, the Lord revealed to me His will for my life: to be a Nurse and do missions. I officially began to pursue the first task of Nursing that He gave me back in 2011 when I started college and have been on a long, challenging and trusting journey since then - transferring to three different colleges, applying for Nursing school twice and having delays along the way. It has been frustrating for me in understanding why the Lord has spread out this journey for me to be a Nurse, but it has been so beautiful to see Him at work along the way. He has revealed to me in some areas why: I had to transfer so many times (making lifelong friendships at the schools I’ve been to), He delayed me by not getting accepted into the Nursing program the first time I applied (blessing me with time with my family while they were here stateside from South Africa) and so many more things.
   My goal was to graduate in July and begin the World Race in September. I have, once again, hit another delay on my journey towards Nursing. My graduation has been pushed back to December of 2015 which means this makes it impossible to leave in September. When I realized things were going to happen this way I went ahead and switched my trip to a January 2016 trip. As I continued to look at how everything would play out with Nursing and rushing onto the World Race, I realized I needed to really pray about things. Over a period of three weeks I was beginning to realize the Lord was asking me to delay missions and finish the task He had first assigned me by continuing to be persistent and not give up because things were getting too tough.  
  I am sad there has been a change and delay in my journey, but honestly it is such a God thing! I have had so many things on my plate and stretching myself thin, that I was not able to give the full energy each thing required. Therefore, I was lacking in being successful in school, relationships and preparing for World Race which caused a lot of strain and stress in my life. These last four years the Lord has continually confirmed that I am to be a nurse and I need to finish that out before my next tasks in life – International Missions. Friends, I am very guilty and struggle with getting ahead of God and ‘trying’ to make things happen at the time I feel like they should occur. But He is so patient with me and ever so gently gets me back on track (sometimes kicking and screaming) and reveals Himself to me and helps me come to a place of surrender, trust and faith.
What happens now to the amount of money that has been raised?
   Although the tax deductible money already given is not refundable, it will still be used for the same purpose it would have been used for me. Be reassured that through your giving you are allowing other World Racers to stay on the World Race and experience the Lord in a whole new way and be used by Him to reach the unreachable – praying for the sick, loving the orphans and widows, teaching English, ministering to those in sex-trafficking! Think about how awesome it is that even when we thought our gift giving was going to benefit me, the Lord had other plans. The Lord is using you in the life of a stranger to bless them to further His Kingdom! Isn’t this what the Lord has called us to do? To encourage, support, love and work together as brothers and sisters in Christ! There is always the possibility that the Lord will re-open the door for me to do the World Race, but until then I look forward to see how He is going to use me and grow me with where I am at in life right now!

**If you are on a payment plan - to stop payments call Donor Relations at:  1.800.881.2461 or e-mail them at:  - It can take up to 2 weeks to process your request, so don't delay!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Sincerely,   Kelland Windham

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