Friday, January 3, 2014

Preparing For What Is to Come

   It is only the third day of the new year and already I have so much to prepare and plan for what is to happen this year. Now I know anything and even everything could change because God is the one who is in control, but I also know that I have to do my part in being ready.
   I feel a bit anxious about all that needs to be done and when it needs to be done by, but I know that everything will fall into place and if it's God's Will, it'll take place in its own timing.

   At this moment I am on the waiting list for the Nursing Programme I applied to and I'm waiting to see if I will start it this spring semester or if I start in the fall. I would love to start promptly, but I do have peace about not starting this semester. I know that there are several other important things coming up this year and if those things need more attention than what I can give if I am in the Nursing Programme in January, then it's not meant to be and it is better that I begin it at another time. I am more eager to know how this next semester is going to go more than being concerned if I start the next chapter in my pursue towards a Nursing career. I have two paths, that I know of, right now and which one I will take all depends on my full acceptance into the programme. The 13th January is the for sure day I will find out. God is certainly using this to continue to build my faith and full trust in Him. It's a good feeling to be challenged in walking the walk and not just talking the walk. Living by faith and not by sight is tough sometimes, but the more we do it, the easier it truly does become. I only know this from experience. The first time I walked out in faith blindly was the scariest thing, but because I acted on it and have seen results, there is less hesitation each time a situation comes up where I have to take that same action.

   Much excitement and planning for the months my parents and brother are back in the states is building up in me! They plan on returning end of May and will stay until sometime in September! I look forward to seeing them after 1 1/2 years apart and being able to spend quality time with them and going on adventures and talking about old times together. It will be a great time and something my whole family is looking forward to. We plan on making the most of their time here!

   Next, there is where to live once my lease is up in June. I've been praying about it, but haven't really received a full confirmation from God. I feel I should go in the direction of moving to Springfield due to future classes being located there and possible job opportunities in local hospitals and several affordable apartments to choose from to live in with my possible future roommate. I don't know why in this area of my life I'm nervous. I have seen God take care of me on more accounts than I can even share, but yet I hesitate in even thinking about taking a step in one direction because I want to follow God's plan for me, but I'm not one hundred percent sure that this is it. I believe it's God's way of helping me practice my trust in Him. I certainly will continue to pray for guidance in this step in life.

   January 1st I applied for a position at Cox Branson Hospital and it would be absolutely amazing if I could get started in working in the medical field and even just having my foot in the door! I am eager to hear back from the department to see if they want me or not. I'm hoping and praying that if this door opens than it's God's possible plan for me. And if the door closes than God has something so much better for me! I know He has me where He wants me right now, maybe to be a helping hand to my coworkers in areas of their lives I don't know about or giving words of encouragement to customers that I interact with. It could even be as little as reaching out to to just one person and not multiple or to prepare me for future happenings. I'm not sure why God has me where I'm at right now, but I'm okay with that.

   My best friend is getting married next year and there is a lot of planning that goes into that. I will be helping out with a majority of things and I know it will definitely be time consuming as well as fun! I look forward to helping plan a day that is beautiful and pleasing to God.

  As this year throws many obstacles and events and situations my way, I trust that God is good and that He will not give me more than He knows I can handle.

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He
is my God, and I trust Him."
Psalm 91:1,2

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