Friday, May 30, 2014

Right Where He Wants Me

Three years. That is how long I have been in college and how long I have officially been in the process of my journey in pursuing nursing.

   When I was about fourteen years old I knew that the Lord was calling me to help others and it wasn't until I was probably seventeen that I knew I wanted to do nursing. After living in Africa and seeing the malnourished people and those living with HIV/AIDS and the lack of medical attention broke my heart and I knew two things: I was suppose to help people's physical needs and I was suppose to do so in Africa.
   I was very eager to begin my education in college so that I could become a nurse and go back to Africa to help people as soon as I could! My first year was filled with general education classes. My second year I started taking prerequisite classes for the Nursing Programme at CofO. I was slowly but surely getting closer to becoming a nurse! Once I transferred schools I felt I was getting behind in what the Lord had planned for me and it frustrated me so much that I almost quit school altogether. The Lord kindly would remind me that He had a plan for me and it was all in His timing.
   My fifth semester of college I applied for OTC's Nursing Programme for the spring and if you have read any previous posts of mine you know that I was not accepted. It was disappointing and a little discouraging, but I did know the Lord had a reason that I could not quite see yet. As I took beneficial classes my sixth semester, the Lord revealed to me some reasons why He did not allow me to start the programme that semester:

  • He allowed me to make a friendship with a classmate, who halfway through the semester found out she had breast cancer and I have been able to pray for her 
  • He knew the commute would have been very hard on me financially, as I was not getting many hours at my job 
  • He blessed me with time to pour into others as well as the time to focus on my family returning to the states and being able to visit with them 
  • He grew me in ways I didn't even know I needed growth through my Bible study I was apart of
And many other things.

   As my sixth semester was coming to an end, I was re-applying for OTC's Nursing Programme in hopes that I would get in this time. I knew that I could have complete faith in making it in, but I felt that I needed to look into some backup plans and seek the Lord in which path He might put me on next.
   Doing some research I began to look into the EMT course OTC provided and started my application process. I also looked at what classes I had taken and figured out that I would only have to take five more classes to be able to achieve in getting my A.A. My thinking? Even if I do not use my A.A. at least I would hit a milestone and would have accomplished and finished college for the time being with something. I am not the highest achieving person and am very satisfied with the little and simple things for myself, so being an EMT or having my A.A. sounded fine to me. And honestly. it sounded more appealing than having to go through the nursing programme. It sounded easier and less intimidating.

   As my nursing interview was approaching I was praying earnestly for the Lord's provision and for His peace and discernment and contentment with whatever He had plan for me. I began to think, "Maybe the Lord was leading me to believe something (becoming a nurse), but had something entirely different for me that I never thought imaginable (the unseen) ." I did not have high hopes in my making it into the nursing programme and secretly hoped I wouldn't get in. Looking back I know that that was Satan putting fear of failing in me.
   My nursing interview went very well and I had such peace through the whole process. My hands were open wide to the Lord and I surrendered my future to Him. I knew that once I found out if I made it into the programme or not, that that would be the Lord beginning to redirect my route in life.

I was accepted. That moment was one of the scariest moments. As I retrieved my large yellow envelope from the mailbox, I cried and prayed over the envelope before I opened it. I knew that the contents would be the answer I had been seeking from the Lord. Do I continue to pursue nursing? Or do I pursue something different? 'Congratulations! You have been accepted for the fall 2014 LPN programme at OTC.' At that moment the Lord's confirmation on His will for my life was right in front of my face.

   I am honestly in awe of His blessing. I feel I do not deserve a spot in the programme, but I also feel like with all of my persistence I should accept this blessing and take this next step in life, because He has opened up the door for me to continue this journey He has for me.

   I begin this new journey in life 15th August 2014. Am I scared? Absolutely! But I am also more confident than ever before and more determined because I am just that much closer to being able to pursue my calling the Lord has for me - to help people's physical needs in Africa.

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever." Psalm 16:11

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