Exactly twelve days and twenty-three hours from now my parents and younger brother will be returning to the states from South Africa after serving there for three years. It has been one and a half years, or 464 days, since I have seen them (from when I went home Christmas 2012) and I am eager to see them. It has been three years since my two older siblings have seen my parents and Luke, and I know everyone is looking forward to having our family together again. The closer it gets, the harder it gets.
When I tell people that half of my family is 9,000 miles away, on a different continent, they feel bad or shocked that I only see them once every year and a half and some feel sorry for me that I don't have my family close by. To be completely honest, yes, it has been difficult having to figure out how to live on my own and support myself and not have access to a hug anytime I want from my dad and mom or have the privilege of calling them up or stop in just to say 'hey!', but it has also been so rewarding. I have grown in so many areas of my life these last three years and I am beyond thankful. The Lord has certainly helped me in dealing with this and I know that without Him in my life I would be lost in this world. He has certainly made me more dependent on Him then ever before.
I struggle with loneliness and the Lord has been so kind to me and has taught me that He is enough for me and fulfilling. He has helped me appreciate the people He has brought into my life who help me deal with my loneliness as well as appreciate alone times, when I can appreciate His presence alone. I have also come to not take for granted the times I get when I get to Skype with my parents twice a month (due to busy schedules and time differences). We share a lot of e-mails and receive an sms from one another every once in awhile. I treasure the conversations the Lord has blessed us with and the time He has given us to do so.
It has been beautiful to see my parents and Luke serving others in a different country, on a different continent and totally different culture. I have seen each one of their growth in the Lord from afar and that alone is worth the sacrifice. To see and hear the different ways the Lord is using them and what He is teaching them is worth the sacrifice. He has use for anyone no matter where they are at, but right now He is using them SO much where they are at.
I am grateful for the opportunity of experiencing life overseas with them for two years and know the blessings that occur while serving the Lord as well has the hardships and sacrifices of it. I have been on both sides of the glass and I've learned that no matter which side I'm on the Lord teaches me new things everyday and grows me in ways I never thought imaginable.
There are no words I could use to express how proud I am of my parents and Luke for making the sacrifice that they do so that they can bring others to Christ and further His Kingdom! This is what God has called us to do! Not everyone is called to live and serve overseas, but we should be serving others and sharing Christ with people wherever we are!
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