Monday, March 16, 2015

Closed Doors Means New Things

Dear friends,
   It has been 5 months since I have been accepted onto the World Race. These last few months have been exciting, stressful and faith- growing. I have seen the Lord provide financially for my trip for World Race, which has been awesome, especially since I had become super stressed and overwhelmed back in January about all I needed to do.
    The last two months have been difficult with trying to focus on Nursing school and be successful in my studies as well as prepare for World Race and transition into all the changes that would come with it. At one point, early in the semester, I realized I needed to put more focus and attention on my schooling and put preparing for World Race aside for a little while.
What does this mean?
    Firstly, I would like to thank each one of you for your support, whether that be in your giving financially or through your support in prayer. I am beyond grateful to experience the support and excitement of friends and family and am overwhelmed and encouraged though it. With much prayer and guidance from the Lord, close friends and family, I’m sad to say that the door for me with World Race is closing.
    Let me share with you a little bit with where I’m at in life right now. Over four years ago, the Lord revealed to me His will for my life: to be a Nurse and do missions. I officially began to pursue the first task of Nursing that He gave me back in 2011 when I started college and have been on a long, challenging and trusting journey since then - transferring to three different colleges, applying for Nursing school twice and having delays along the way. It has been frustrating for me in understanding why the Lord has spread out this journey for me to be a Nurse, but it has been so beautiful to see Him at work along the way. He has revealed to me in some areas why: I had to transfer so many times (making lifelong friendships at the schools I’ve been to), He delayed me by not getting accepted into the Nursing program the first time I applied (blessing me with time with my family while they were here stateside from South Africa) and so many more things.
   My goal was to graduate in July and begin the World Race in September. I have, once again, hit another delay on my journey towards Nursing. My graduation has been pushed back to December of 2015 which means this makes it impossible to leave in September. When I realized things were going to happen this way I went ahead and switched my trip to a January 2016 trip. As I continued to look at how everything would play out with Nursing and rushing onto the World Race, I realized I needed to really pray about things. Over a period of three weeks I was beginning to realize the Lord was asking me to delay missions and finish the task He had first assigned me by continuing to be persistent and not give up because things were getting too tough.  
  I am sad there has been a change and delay in my journey, but honestly it is such a God thing! I have had so many things on my plate and stretching myself thin, that I was not able to give the full energy each thing required. Therefore, I was lacking in being successful in school, relationships and preparing for World Race which caused a lot of strain and stress in my life. These last four years the Lord has continually confirmed that I am to be a nurse and I need to finish that out before my next tasks in life – International Missions. Friends, I am very guilty and struggle with getting ahead of God and ‘trying’ to make things happen at the time I feel like they should occur. But He is so patient with me and ever so gently gets me back on track (sometimes kicking and screaming) and reveals Himself to me and helps me come to a place of surrender, trust and faith.
What happens now to the amount of money that has been raised?
   Although the tax deductible money already given is not refundable, it will still be used for the same purpose it would have been used for me. Be reassured that through your giving you are allowing other World Racers to stay on the World Race and experience the Lord in a whole new way and be used by Him to reach the unreachable – praying for the sick, loving the orphans and widows, teaching English, ministering to those in sex-trafficking! Think about how awesome it is that even when we thought our gift giving was going to benefit me, the Lord had other plans. The Lord is using you in the life of a stranger to bless them to further His Kingdom! Isn’t this what the Lord has called us to do? To encourage, support, love and work together as brothers and sisters in Christ! There is always the possibility that the Lord will re-open the door for me to do the World Race, but until then I look forward to see how He is going to use me and grow me with where I am at in life right now!

**If you are on a payment plan - to stop payments call Donor Relations at:  1.800.881.2461 or e-mail them at:  - It can take up to 2 weeks to process your request, so don't delay!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Sincerely,   Kelland Windham

Monday, January 19, 2015

Continue to Follow on this Journey!

Over the next 17 months I will be blogging through my World Race account. To follow me on this journey the Lord is taking me on, go to:

If you click 'Follow' you will automatically receive e-mail updates anytime I make a new post. 

If you feel the Lord calling you to support me financially click on 'Support Me' on the left side of the page.

Thank you for your prayers!

    Kelland Windham

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The World Race - Accepted!

    Some of you know that I have been praying about participating in the World Race since February of this year. For those of you that are just now learning this, let me tell you more about this Journey I believe the Lord will be taking me on in September 2015.

The World Race: is an eleven month mission trip to eleven countries abandoning most of my possessions and living out of a backpack while serving "the least of these". It is the chance to leave my comfort zone and allow God to break me down only to build and strengthen me back up and to use me in ways I never thought imaginable. This is a chance to grow and see what God is doing around the world and to encourage the body of Christ and further His Kingdom.(

   That's right. You read that correctly! Eleven countries in eleven months, doing ministry from construction, visiting orphanages and medical clinics, painting schools, ministering to those in sex-trafficking, prayer walking and so much more. There are several routes to choose from, going to different countries, and each one has different ministries involved. There are several teams sent out and squads are made from those teams.

   My Route [3] - The route I chose to travel goes through the following countries:

  • Costa Rica
  • Nicaragua
  • Honduras 
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam 
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Thailand 
  • Malawi
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe 
(I do not know what my ministry will be in each country yet, but I will be sure to keep you updated!)

   Fundraising - I'm sure you're wondering, "How do you pay for this trip?" Well friends, let me share with you! The total amount for my trip is $16,256. This will cover 11 months of meals, lodging, air, land and sea travel, administrative costs, set up costs, coaching costs, debriefing costs, and training camp costs. That's a bit overwhelming huh? Let me break that down even more for you!

If 75 people committed to donating $21.67 each month for the next 10 months 
If 100 people committed to donating $16.26 each month for the next 10 months 
If 150 people committed to donating $10.84 each month for the next 10 months 
If 175 people committed to donating $9.29 each month for the next 10 months

*There is also a One Time donation option. I will give details on how to donate soon.

  • $3,500 Due 2 weeks before Training Camp (TBD - June/July?)
  • $7,500 - Due 21 August 2015 (2 weeks prior to trip)
  • $11,000 - Due 4 December 2015 (End of 3 months on the field)
  • $15,500+$756.70 (*Insurance) = $16,256 - Total Due 4 March 2016 (End of 6 months on field)

   Why? People ask, "why would you want to go do missions in other countries when there are so many people that need to be reached in the states?" Well, that's true. There's plenty of opportunities to serve and share Christ with those around me (and I'll continue to do so as long as I live in the states), but the Lord has given me a heart for The Nations. He has given me a calling and I am answering Him with obedience. My heart has longed to do overseas missions for quite some time now and I have been earnestly seeking the Lord's will for my life and how and when this might be apart of it. This will be an amazing opportunity to serve the Lord and grow in Him and be broken and healed and be challenged and experience His work in the world.

    I would love for you to join me on this journey! I ask that you would join me in prayer-

  • for my heart. That the Lord would prepare me for what He will teach me through this journey
  • to be able to build relationships and connections with those who will be supporting me
  • for faith that my financial needs will be met, and
  • I encourage you to pray about whether the Lord is calling you to support me not only with your prayers, but also financially

.I cannot do this alone. I'm asking that you might dedicate time to pray. PRAYER is more powerful than what we believe.

   I will keep you all updated and give you the details (that lack in this blog) as things progress on this journey and I learn more about what I will be doing! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have! 

   "The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'" Psalm 32:8 

   "You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit so the Father will give you whatever you ask for in His Name." John 15:16

Friday, May 30, 2014

Right Where He Wants Me

Three years. That is how long I have been in college and how long I have officially been in the process of my journey in pursuing nursing.

   When I was about fourteen years old I knew that the Lord was calling me to help others and it wasn't until I was probably seventeen that I knew I wanted to do nursing. After living in Africa and seeing the malnourished people and those living with HIV/AIDS and the lack of medical attention broke my heart and I knew two things: I was suppose to help people's physical needs and I was suppose to do so in Africa.
   I was very eager to begin my education in college so that I could become a nurse and go back to Africa to help people as soon as I could! My first year was filled with general education classes. My second year I started taking prerequisite classes for the Nursing Programme at CofO. I was slowly but surely getting closer to becoming a nurse! Once I transferred schools I felt I was getting behind in what the Lord had planned for me and it frustrated me so much that I almost quit school altogether. The Lord kindly would remind me that He had a plan for me and it was all in His timing.
   My fifth semester of college I applied for OTC's Nursing Programme for the spring and if you have read any previous posts of mine you know that I was not accepted. It was disappointing and a little discouraging, but I did know the Lord had a reason that I could not quite see yet. As I took beneficial classes my sixth semester, the Lord revealed to me some reasons why He did not allow me to start the programme that semester:

  • He allowed me to make a friendship with a classmate, who halfway through the semester found out she had breast cancer and I have been able to pray for her 
  • He knew the commute would have been very hard on me financially, as I was not getting many hours at my job 
  • He blessed me with time to pour into others as well as the time to focus on my family returning to the states and being able to visit with them 
  • He grew me in ways I didn't even know I needed growth through my Bible study I was apart of
And many other things.

   As my sixth semester was coming to an end, I was re-applying for OTC's Nursing Programme in hopes that I would get in this time. I knew that I could have complete faith in making it in, but I felt that I needed to look into some backup plans and seek the Lord in which path He might put me on next.
   Doing some research I began to look into the EMT course OTC provided and started my application process. I also looked at what classes I had taken and figured out that I would only have to take five more classes to be able to achieve in getting my A.A. My thinking? Even if I do not use my A.A. at least I would hit a milestone and would have accomplished and finished college for the time being with something. I am not the highest achieving person and am very satisfied with the little and simple things for myself, so being an EMT or having my A.A. sounded fine to me. And honestly. it sounded more appealing than having to go through the nursing programme. It sounded easier and less intimidating.

   As my nursing interview was approaching I was praying earnestly for the Lord's provision and for His peace and discernment and contentment with whatever He had plan for me. I began to think, "Maybe the Lord was leading me to believe something (becoming a nurse), but had something entirely different for me that I never thought imaginable (the unseen) ." I did not have high hopes in my making it into the nursing programme and secretly hoped I wouldn't get in. Looking back I know that that was Satan putting fear of failing in me.
   My nursing interview went very well and I had such peace through the whole process. My hands were open wide to the Lord and I surrendered my future to Him. I knew that once I found out if I made it into the programme or not, that that would be the Lord beginning to redirect my route in life.

I was accepted. That moment was one of the scariest moments. As I retrieved my large yellow envelope from the mailbox, I cried and prayed over the envelope before I opened it. I knew that the contents would be the answer I had been seeking from the Lord. Do I continue to pursue nursing? Or do I pursue something different? 'Congratulations! You have been accepted for the fall 2014 LPN programme at OTC.' At that moment the Lord's confirmation on His will for my life was right in front of my face.

   I am honestly in awe of His blessing. I feel I do not deserve a spot in the programme, but I also feel like with all of my persistence I should accept this blessing and take this next step in life, because He has opened up the door for me to continue this journey He has for me.

   I begin this new journey in life 15th August 2014. Am I scared? Absolutely! But I am also more confident than ever before and more determined because I am just that much closer to being able to pursue my calling the Lord has for me - to help people's physical needs in Africa.

"You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever." Psalm 16:11

The Long Awaited Reunion

   Last Wednesday I was reunited with my parents and brother after a long 1 1/2 years of not seeing them and a long 3 years of them being out of the states. It was a sweet moment filled with happy tears.

   I took the four hour drive to St Louis to pick up my family from the airport after their 30+ hours of traveling. After an extra 20 minute delay in their flight, my parents, brother and I shared hugs after a long 464 days from our last hugs. Our dear family friend, along with his grandson, and former youth pastor were there to welcome back my family and it was so sweet of them to take the time to do so. Once greetings were given out, we headed to the carousel to retrieve their six pieces of luggage, went to the vehicles to load up and headed to the mission house they would be staying at for the next week, before they headed to Kansas City for the rest of their stay until September.
   On our way back to the house we took a trip down memory lane and drove by all the familiar places in the place we once called home. As we drove up to the mission house there was a small group of people standing outside waiting to welcome back my family! It was so kind of everyone to take the time to show their love for my family and be present at their arrival. I know my family greatly appreciated such thoughtfulness.

   My family has adjusted well to the time difference, the American culture, driving on the right side of the road and so much more. I have enjoyed being able to have so much quality time with them this past week and I look forward to having even more these next four months! This will be a good time for debriefing, sharing, resting and visiting for my family. They have sacrificed so much and deserve this time they have been blessed with. I appreciate all that they do and know the Lord has them where He wants them.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Three Years Later - Reunited!

   Exactly twelve days and twenty-three hours from now my parents and younger brother will be returning to the states from South Africa after serving there for three years. It has been one and a half years, or 464 days, since I have seen them (from when I went home Christmas 2012) and I am eager to see them. It has been three years since my two older siblings have seen my parents and Luke, and I know everyone is looking forward to having our family together again. The closer it gets, the harder it gets.
   When I tell people that half of my family is 9,000 miles away, on a different continent, they feel bad or shocked that I only see them once every year and a half and some feel sorry for me that I don't have my family close by. To be completely honest, yes, it has been difficult having to figure out how to live on my own and support myself and not have access to a hug anytime I want from my dad and mom or have the privilege of calling them up or stop in just to say 'hey!', but it has also been so rewarding. I have grown in so many areas of my life these last three years and I am beyond thankful. The Lord has certainly helped me in dealing with this and I know that without Him in my life I would be lost in this world. He has certainly made me more dependent on Him then ever before.
  I struggle with loneliness and the Lord has been so kind to me and has taught me that He is enough for me and fulfilling. He has helped me appreciate the people He has brought into my life who help me deal with my loneliness as well as appreciate alone times, when I can appreciate His presence alone. I have also come to not take for granted the times I get when I get to Skype with my parents twice a month (due to busy schedules and time differences). We share a lot of e-mails and receive an sms from one another every once in awhile. I treasure the conversations the Lord has blessed us with and the time He has given us to do so.
   It has been beautiful to see my parents and Luke serving others in a different country, on a different continent and totally different culture. I have seen each one of their growth in the Lord from afar and that alone is worth the sacrifice. To see and hear the different ways the Lord is using them and what He is teaching them is worth the sacrifice. He has use for anyone no matter where they are at, but right now He is using them SO much where they are at.
   I am grateful for the opportunity of experiencing life overseas with them for two years and know the blessings that occur while serving the Lord as well has the hardships and sacrifices of it. I have been on both sides of the glass and I've learned that no matter which side I'm on the Lord teaches me new things everyday and grows me in ways I never thought imaginable.
   There are no words I could use to express how proud I am of my parents and Luke for making the sacrifice that they do so that they can bring others to Christ and further His Kingdom! This is what God has called us to do! Not everyone is called to live and serve overseas, but we should be serving others and sharing Christ with people wherever we are!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Blessed With Godly Friends

Cori Nicole
   "After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king's son. There was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David. From that day on Saul kept David with him and wouldn't let him return home. And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself." 1 Samuel 18:1-3
   It's a David and Jonathan type friendship that this lady and I share. Never had I experienced a true friendship where I could love someone as much as I love Cori. She and I are internally linked. Our hearts are internally linked - emotionally and spiritually. This is something that is hard to explain with words. It is only felt.
   I remember first meeting Cori my first semester at College of the Ozarks. We had Public Speaking together and I remember every time she got up in front of the class I would think, "She seems so cool! I want to get to know her!"
   It wasn't until that summer, when we worked housekeeping together, that we became close. We experienced the best summer of our college life together and that's when our friendship really began. It started out by going and doing fun things and then eventually we started to really bond and truly trust one another and become vulnerable and share our life stories. Looking back at how our friendship has grown is so beautiful! Our friendship is so different now than it was then. We have experienced a lot together and continue to grow not only deeper in our relationship, but in our relationship with the Lord.
   It has been beautiful to see Cori grow in her faith and trust God more and more and see her experience Him in a multitude of ways. What joy it brings me to see her living for Him. She is a true daughter of the Most High and is always seeking ways to deepen her relationship with Him. It has been so encouraging to know that I have her there for me to challenge me in my walk with the Lord and to be uplifting when I have my off days. I'm so proud of her in this area of life as well as her schooling and jobs.
Some things I love about our friendship:
  • When she is feeling one way I feel that way too. 
  • We feed off of the other when either one or both of us are on a spiritual high and encourage one another when we're feeling low. 
  • We look out for each other and try to meet each other's needs in any way that we can. 
  • We have silly talks, ranging from misunderstandings and inside jokes to our bowel movements.
  • We share serious conversations and seek wisdom and opinions and suggestions from one another.
  • We go to the Lord with situations that we encounter.
  • We pray with each other.
  • We are snuggle buddies and still have sleepovers on the weekends at age 21.
  • We are able to sit in quietness together and not feel a need for conversation. 
  • We share facts and highlights and lowlights about our day.
  • We worship our Lord together. 
  • We share families
  • We see each other just about every day.
  • I feel God's arms wrap around me when I hug Cori, because I know and see Christ in her.
  • We have seen each other when selfish and frustrated and unhappy.
  • We have seen each other cry and be open and vulnerable.  
  • When the Lord is speaking to us or teaching us something we share it with one another.
  • We drink coffee together.
  • We read our devotional together.
  • We have so many similarities [hearts for missions], yet so many differences [Cori is a leader, I a ma follower].
  • We are always learning more about each other. It never gets old. 
  I know that my friendship with Cori is of the Lord and it is a blessing that I do not deserve. I am so thankful for my sister-friendship with Cori. I know that we have a lot of plans for our futures and a lot of fears, but we are bringing it to the Lord. I know that time, distance or situations could only strengthen our friendship. I know that time and distance will not hinder our friendship, but the thought of it scares me. I can be confident in saying that because this friendship is blessed the Lord will keep us close at heart. I cherish this lady for who she is. I know the Lord will use her in many ways to reach out to young ladies and remind them they are beautiful in the eyes of our Lord.
My Core Friendship.

Holly Brooke
"A friend is always loyal, and a brother [sister] is born to help in times of need." Proverbs 17:17   
  Although we are seven years apart and never were really close growing up, she is my best friend now and our relationship continues to grow. I have learned so much from this lady, especially when it comes to marriage, friendships and general life lessons. She and her husband have been great examples in many ways and have been so hospitable to me on more occasions than I can even count. I have enjoyed seeing her heart grow in love. I have been brought joy by seeing her learn to trust God in so many areas of her life and to see her continue to grow in Him. I know that I can always count on her and trust her with my life. Fact: she is my ICE (in case of emergency) contact in my mobile.
   Holly and I have kind of always had a long distance relationship, going back to when she was in high school and I was homeschooling; she was in college 3 hours away and I was still at home; she got married and I moved to Africa; she and her husband got planted in KC and I went off to college in the Ozarks. It's been awesome to see how although we have lived apart from each other for so long our relationship is, and always will be, present. We talk through text, phone calls and skype and try to keep up with each other as life continues to move along with out the other by the other's side. We have found a balance and have learned to savour and enjoy and make the most of the times we do have together! It is hard being away from Holly sometimes, but I have learned to appreciate and love her through our long distance relationship-friendship and the quality time God does bless us with every few months.
   Holly and her husband are now expecting their first baby [which we just found out is a boy] and we are all so excited as it is the first grand baby. This will be my first time to be an aunt and to a sweet little nephew. I cannot wait! Through this next chapter in life I know things will be a little different, especially with Holly joining the Mommy club, but I feel that as much as I want to be there for her and help her in any way that her younger sister can, we will build a new bond that will only grow us closer and deepen our relationship.
My sister-ship.

Lisa Ilene
"For where two or three have gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst." Matthew 18:20   
   This woman has such a beautiful heart. She is on the path to becoming a Nurse, which she will be an incredible one, and I love seeing and hearing how she serves others. God has big plans for her and I cannot wait to see what all this includes. Her heart for missions is growing and watching her trust the Lord with her future is so precious. I know she has concerns, like anyone else, but she has the determination to live her life for our Father in Heaven.
   It is so awesome to look back to when Lisa and I first met and so crazy to think that we would have the friendship that we share today. It was the summer before our first semester of college at Southwest Baptist University and we were in the same group during orientation and later found out that we would both be in the same dorm. Because we were both pursuing Nursing we bonded quickly. I always loved knowing that Lisa was just one floor away and that we would enjoy breakfast together just about every morning that semester. I could go to her for anything and I loved it. Our friendship has been so sweet and definitely given to me by God. When I transferred schools it was hard to know I would be away from my dear friend, but the Lord is sweet and has kept us together despite distance. Although we only see each other every few months now, time and distance hasn't done anything to affect our friendship and I love it!
   This last year I have slowly but surely become a prayer warrior and I couldn't be where I am today without the accountability and encouragement of Lisa. Taking one day a week to fast and pray has been so rewarding and beautiful and growing. I have experienced and have seen results that the power of prayer has when we are abiding in Christ and sincerely have faith in Him and trust Him wholeheartedly.  The Lord brought this to Lisa and I felt Him calling me to join her. I truly believe that the Lord has blessed our friendship through this and has allowed us to be vulnerable and trust each other, which has opened up such a beautiful thing with each other. I love knowing that I can share with her my personal prayer request or another request and that it will be prayed for. It's comforting.  
   I look forward to what the next year ahead holds as I will be moving closer to Lisa. I pray that our friendship will only become stronger when we have been blessed with being close to each other once again!
My Prayer Partner

Tori Leigh
"An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy." Proverbs 27:5-6
   This woman is one who loves the Lord and strives to live a life that pleases Him. Her friendship to me has been wonderful.
   Tori and I met our first semester at Southwest Baptist University (me being a freshman, her being a transfer sophomore). I remember sitting at a table in the cafeteria next to this random girl and we began talking, only to find out that we were both new to campus, both lived in St Louis at one point and now live in the same dorm! We discovered that we share a birthday month (and ever since then try to see each other and document our reunion). We instantly created a bond that has only continued to develop and grow in the last 2 1/2 years.
   Although I only had one semester with Tori, that semester was filled with adventures and humorous memories. Because my parents had recently returned to South Africa shortly after I started college, Tori was kind enough to invite me home with her to share her house and family. Her family kindly took me under their wing and took care of me.
   Although we now live 90 miles away from one another, Tori has always been there for me and has helped me grow in life and my walk with the Lord. She has been a true friend by being honest with me and helping me figure things out in life. I remember during a time in my life I was talking about what my future might look like, which was honestly unrealistic, and when others were agreeing with me or supporting me in a way, Tori helped me get my head out of the clouds and realise that was not logical. Having her be completely honest with me when no one else was, truly saved me from possibly making a decision that would have many negative aftermaths in my life. Even when it was hard to hear the truth from Tori, it made me value her and our friendship even more. She had my best interest in mind and she loved me enough to speak truth to me. She has helped me to be more aware in life and to approach the truth to others lovingly.
  It is so inspirational to see how Tori is involved in her church doing children's ministry and how she serves the Lord and others. She has served on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico twice and hearing about her first experience about all she learned and saw was precious [currently I am eagerly waiting to hear about her second trip]. Her heart's desire is to be married, have a family and love Jesus. Watching her wait for the Lord in this area has been hard, but beautiful and encouraging. I have learned from her that waiting on the Lord's timing is the best thing we can do. She is so strong. Tori is graduating this May and I am so proud of her! I love this woman so much and am so blessed to have a friendship with her.
   I look forward to see how the Lord grows us even more, as individuals as well as friends as well as in our walk with Him, and I truly look forward to this next chapter in life!
My Sincere Friend

    The Lord has blessed me with so many other friendships that I am truly thankful for! I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't met those individuals. It's so amazing to see how the Lord uses different people in our lives at a specific time in our life. I've learned that sometimes He brings friends into our lives for a season and others for a life time. Whichever reason those people are in our lives for, we should be thankful for each one that the Lord has blessed us with and seek lessons and growth through what the Lord is wanting us to experience through each friendship. Don't allow yourself to falter in seeing how the Lord has used a specific person in your life. Be open to accepting what the Lord is teaching you.