Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 9 - Church and Body World

   An African church. It's what I've missed dearly and what I've been waiting to go back to for two years.  Although this was the first time I attended a Coloured African church, it was still similar enough to what I know - voices were raised and hips were swaying and the older ladies were up front dancing their heart's out. It was beautiful to see this sight! Worship songs were sung for an hour and then the pastor came up front to give the message. Most of it was in English, but when he really started to get into what he was saying he would switch over to Afrikaans. It's nice to know what is being said, but it made me happy when they sang and taught in their heart language. It makes me wish I was fluent in, or very familiar with, an African language.

   That evening we went to the Body World exhibit! It was so fascinating to see the muscles and everything of a real human being, especially since I just learned them.

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